The reality of the ripple effect of my circumstances that make this journey more of a trip up. It is no longer about walking from a to b but navigating the waves and the undertow and not getting knocked down.
The accommodations chosen by others for me, the perceived projected needed unneeded and unwarranted ones are tougher than the strength to withstand a withering body.
No one told me this disease would create an ambivalence within me or undo my sense of right and wrong, which is sad
..and push me toward a more forgiving and grateful spirit, which is good
...nor that it would undo me emotionally, not so good
...create a weariness I have never imaged, which also is not so good
...but that it would create a sufficiency in Christ, which is very good.
The tears have come and again and again. the sadness of losing out sometimes is too much to bear. I watch my precious friends and family, longing to jump in and play along, and I sit and watch from the sidelines. Their laughter invites me to join in to record and imprint the merriment of memories. Their love is palpable and yet if love could heal me I would be a walking miracle!
I have gotten to travel and visit quite a bit this summer, and as I say goodbye, each hug is a wave of raw emotion and the sadness and goodness that envelopes me reminds me I have so much to fight for. I not only fight for me but for you and the future for more reunions with girlfriends and the Cassels crew and I fight because love doesn’t give up or give in.
I am grateful for all of the love and all the encouragement and all the helping hands. Thank you for all the memories made this summer. I will cherish these sun-drenched days of the summer of 2019.
With love, Victoria