Real close.
We are closing in on phase 1 and our fundraising and this home renovation are closer to being done, closer than I can imagine. It feels like the perpetual two more weeks and yet we are making plans to move to the back of the house and surrender the front for reinforcements to strengthen the floors for the weight of the wheelchair. and that is no longer a distant reality.
Real with you.
After two consecutive falls and a UTI this week. It is hard to say it’s a long way off. I have never been happier to get a diagnosis of a UTI and know it wasn’t just one more symptom of decline. That is how we measure our days. Good or bad. We also measure our days with the closing gap of what I think is doable and what the reality actually is. Like me walking an 8k. I am not ready to give up the fight and so with Steve’s encouragement and those walking with me I’ll give it my best shot. Slow and steady.
I do now approach life slower, in contemplation, what shoes, what outfit, when and how I maneuver in and through my days. In this measure, I have come to realize, I live in fear, not the big fear, but fear as in safety and security. I surround my self with contingency plans and safety nets, looking for ways to adapt. This is a new stumbling block, emotionally and physically. I get frustrated easily and exhausted more readily—having to steady my thoughts and actions.
And the steady generosity of our friends and family
Really gifted.
Getting real comes from you. Really knowing the gift of your love and support.
Next up: ramps and parking. And to move and unpack our belongings May 18. The more the merrier. Many hands make light work. Please consider lending a helping hand.
We will be ready to unload, unpack and really make this home again. If you are available on Saturday, May 18th, we‘d welcome the help. Please email us if you can spare an hour or two:
Love, Victoria