Inside out, upside down, starts and stops, highs and lows. It has been a roller coaster and a whirlwind—inhale, exhale. This has been the month of May.
Starts and stops
I have nothing but awe for all of you who believed I could and would finish an 8k, and for those who walked with me. I couldn’t have done it without your strength, laughter, and helping hands. I have a fab T-shirt to prove that I am the red engine that could, and lots and lots of balloons to remind me of those at home were cheering me on as well. vrooom all the way!
In and outs
The port is in and so are the moving boxes. The port has been painful, but not those who helped us move in and un-pod. You, team, are a force to be reckoned with. It was a sight to behold and the help keeps coming to put this home back together. I am amazed and humbled by your helping hands. “Thank you” is never enough.
A rollercoaster of highs and lows
Sleeping in my own bed—high.
Realizing I can no longer climb in alone—low.
Almost being done on phase one—high.
No gas, flooding, and new support beams and floor jacks—low.
Everything in bloom—a high.
Waiting on the excavator—a low.
Hope for slowing progression and a cure—a high.
A trip to the ER—a low.
Celebrating Steve’s birthday—a high.
Possibly saying goodbye to dear friends—a new low.
Adrenaline—a high.
Not sleeping—a low.
A cyclebar ride, 50 minutes, 9.6 miles—high.
And the playlist—a high.
The friends and family that came along for the ride—another high.
The laughter and the tears—both highs and lows.
The endless prayers that show up in my mailbox—a high.
Celebrating Joya ringing the bell. Cancer-free—my best and most cherished high.
And more highs than lows. A high five for sure!
Inhale, exhale
Inhale patience, exhale grace.
Inhale the goodness of friends and family, exhale the chaos of getting lost in the maze of boxes.
Inhale new surprises, exhale disappointments.
Inhale insurance rigmarole, exhale Steve’s on it.
Inhale community, exhale self-sufficiency.
Inhale welcoming new friends, exhale thanks-giving.
With love, friendship and gratitude, Victoria