It has been too long, and yet I feel like a turtle peeking my head out of my protective shell. As the world is in disarray, we have been putting our small piece of the world back together, to create peace.
My silence is not out of avoidance or agreement, it is out of prayer and to acknowledge the voices that do matter.
And to spend time with Steve, and resting—that thing I don’t do well. I am learning and enjoying the simplicity and caring for my body… like simply deep breathing.
The word that God has placed on my heart lately is whole… and I have been pondering what that means to me. As a part? complete? totality? unity? I looked to my concordance… and right their under whole, it says see healthy! Holy, Holy, Holy!
I found joy and humor and hope in that one simple phrase.
As for my health, I have had some bumps and bruises, and a fall followed by a broken nose, and a fitting for a wheelchair… these are all part of a long and windy road. Sure I had a pity party and dug my head in the sand, and sure I stepped out and started walking more, and I started recording my voice, which is starting to sound gravelly and not the sexy kind, more like a record on 78 rpm… really slow and warbly… on the verge of Charlie Brown’s teacher.
And as for teaching, I’m at it again. Yeah, warbly and all… Advertising Design this semester and I can use all your prayers! As like many teachers, we re-imagine how to engage and make this a delightful experience.
Each day comes with blessings and laughter, and hope. And new friends and old, and many surprises. I continue to be grateful for this good life we live. Thank you my friends for all the big and small ways you love on us.
A little of evidence of all the ways my world is lovely—including you.
Love, Victoria